Health Centres
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Zainabiya Healthcare Centres
According to UNICEF, in India there are over 25 million orphans. Everyday 5,000 children under the age of 5 die due to preventable causes. The Global Hunger Index states that India has the highest child malnutrition rate of the world’s regions. In addition 49 % of the world’s underweight children, 34% of the world’s stunted children and 46% of the world’s wasted children, live in India. The need, therefore, for the World Federation to exist and provide education and healthcare in India is vital and a necessity.
The centre offers both basic care and referral treatment, where specialising physicians cater to patients requiring treatment and surgery. It caters to needy non-affording patients at minimal or no charge irrespective of caste or religion. A physician is available four days a week to provide GP check-ups, medicines and basic treatment. Patients requiring specialist treatment are referred to a hospital.
The Zainabiya Health Centre provides medical assistance to the lowest income households of Bangalore. The centre is like a GP practice in the UK, providing for the basic healthcare and consultation of patients by a doctor. Patients are supplied with the medications necessary to assist them in recovering from their illnesses, or, in the most severe cases, referred to a specialist for surgery or follow-up care.
The centre has also employed social workers to venture into over populated areas of Bangalore in order to educate residents on personal hygiene and basic healthcare measures, so that the spread of disease is prevented.
Pottenahalli is a village consisting of approximately 2,500 people in the Bangalore district of Karnataka State in India, a couple of hours’ drive from Bangalore city. Shias number approximately 1,200 individuals amongst the total population here. Prior to the establishment of the Zainabiya Health Centre, there were no primary health care facilities available to assist and support the local villagers. The nearest centre was over 10 kilometres away. 10% of the population currently suffer from ailments related to high blood pressure and diabetes. The centre is open for 2 hours, six days a week, to provide consultation to the patients, treat them and dispense the necessary medication. It was noticed that many patients required chest examinations. The centre is now equipped with an ECG machine that allows doctors to see if the pain is caused by a cardiac issue and then treat it accordingly.
Lucknow (Polyclinic)
The new Polyclinic provides the following services:
• Legitimate treatment and medication to patients for a flat fee of 5 Rupees per at present imposters acting as medical practitioners are charging patients 5 Rupees for bogus treatments and fake medication.
• Homeopathic care and medicine by a qualified Homeopathic practitioner;
• A General Physician and a Gynaecologist will run a 3 hours clinic five days a week
• The General Physician will asses patients who need specialist care and will refer to Onsite pharmacist to dispense medications as needed;
• Health education programmes and maternity services (potential services we can provide)
Gilgit (x4 health Centres)
In the district of Gilgit, people live in mountainous terrain where villages are scattered throughout the land. Means of communication is poor to non-existent. Travelling is difficult as the roads are mostly made of gravel and wind in and out of the mountains. Moreover due to the severe weather conditions during winter, between the second weeks of November to mid of April, all roads going in and out of Gilgit are closed and as such no medical assistance can be provided from outside the area. Enough Medication and all other necessities are normally sought before the exclusion period.
In 1995, the Jafria Trust Pakistan started 7 Medical Centres through Baltistan Welfare Society. Due to lack of funds and adverse political circumstances, the Trust was unable to financially support the Health Centres. More than 7000 people live in the vicinities of each centre.
The WF provided with financial support to pay for medication and equipment required to adequately operate 4 of these centres during the exclusion months of winter from November 2011 to April 2012.
Further projects in Pakistan and elsewhere across the globe will be based on a needs basis.
Over the years the Health department has worked in the following countries for Health Centres / Medical Camps: India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Kenya, Iraq and Sri Lanka.
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