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07 May 2024 / 28. Shawal 1445

ZCSS: Furthering Education

Updated 30 October 2013

In third world countries, there is the misconception that secondary and higher education is not as important as literacy and primary education.  Therefore children who are fortunate to attend primary school and to learn to read and write, often do not have the opportunity to study further. 

Often students have the desire to study further but need a push to get over the financial hump of post-secondary education.  This was the case for two Polytechnic students in India.  Syed Abbas and Mohd Amir needed financial assistance to complete a 3 year diploma course.

Through the support of Zainabiyya Child Sponsorship Scheme (ZCSS) these young men were able to complete and pass the Diploma course and have taken admission into the 2nd year Bachelor in Engineering course.  InshAllah they will be able to successfully graduate from the program and build a solid future for themselves and their family. 

Be it supporting a child in primary or secondary school education, ZCSS gives the gift of knowledge to thousands of students around the world.  

Support ZCSS
Sponsoring a child through ZCSS undoubtedly begins a domino effect that carries over ten fold.  When you help educate a child, you are helping educate a nation.  Let’s give education to everyone, because everyone deserves a chance to learn.

Zainabiyya Child Sponsorship Scheme works in Kenya, Tanzania, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Haiti. We sponsor over 5000 students in six countries ranging from Kindergarten to University Education. For more information about ZCSS please email [email protected] to request a brochure with detailed information about the scheme.

To sponsor a student, you can donate online or email [email protected] 

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Updated 9 October 2013

All over the world, there are families that are barely able to put food on the table, let alone afford an education for their children.  That’s where supporters of ZCSS come in.  Through the Zainabiyya Child Sponsorship Scheme (ZCSS) children have the opportunity to learn and be educated.  They have the chance to obtain the foundation to make a better future for themselves and their families.

And all this is possible through sponsorships from people like you.

There are currently over 7 billion people living on Earth, and the world illiteracy rate is just shy of 900 million people. The sad reality is that amongst these are thousands of children that have no hope of ever getting a chance to educate themselves or escape poverty.