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19 February 2025 / 20. Shabaan 1446

ZCSS: From Dream to Actuality

ZCSS Student Wins 1st Prize in Academic Excellence In Andhra Pradesh

In 2011, Taskeen-e-Sakeena won the “E.G District Shiya Muslim Prize for Academic Excellence”, by scoring the highest marks in the Andra Pradesh District.  

Taskeen-e-Sakeena, aged 17 has been a ZCSS Student since 2009 and surprisingly she had only completed her primary education at the age of 15, due to extreme poverty.
Her Father, was in tears, as he had worked through ill health, day and night just to try and put both his daughters through school, hence why Takseen finished her primary education at the age of 15.  

He said, “I pray every day to reward ZCSS and everyone who helped….without sponsorship my daughters would not have a chance to do so well.  I am very happy for the first time in my life”

Mashallah in the two years from completing primary education, Taskeen has gone from strength to strength demonstrating that dreams and visions can be realised through not only hard work but also with the right support.  The support she received from her sponsor meant that Taskeen is well on her way to becoming a chartered Accountant and Inshallah, through this she can help others around her.  

This shows how you are helping to change the world through education.  It is a wonderful feeling to know that a ZCSS student has achieve such amazing results.  Thank you for helping and together we can make more success stories as this. Inshallah.

We have so much talent in our community but not everyone has the opportunity to grow, develop and focus it for the betterment of Islam, the community, their family or themselves.   Each and every ZCSS student has the opportunity to create their own success story and Inshallah with your sponsorship you will also be part of that.  

We are urgently looking for sponsors for 2000 students.  Each and every child deserves a chance at life, in this world and they need your help to get there and cultivate their talents and skills.

There are many ways in which you can help to harness the talent within our community.  To sponsor a student through our website, please click here 

Or sponsors any one of these students:

You can also contact us on [email protected] or call us on +44 (0) 208 954 9881.

If you are interested in becoming a ZCSS volunteer and help then please contact [email protected] 

Please do gift aid your donation / sponsorship.

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Updated 23 October 2013

There are currently over 7 billion people living on Earth, and the world illiteracy rate is just shy of 900 million people. The sad reality is that amongst these are thousands of children that have no hope of ever getting a chance to educate themselves or escape poverty.

This is a story of how a ZCSS graduate is now a sponsor for the scheme, which helps children in deprived areas receive an education.