Online Forum Policy – Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE)
The Madrasahonline Forum is provided as a safe and secure space by MCE for users, especially madrasah teachers, to share knowledge, experiences, thoughts, problems and solutions for madrasah-related topics. Responsible/appropriate use All references in this Policy to "We", "Us" or "Our" are to MCE. We expect participants of MCE managed user-generated content ("UGC") forum (the "Forum") to stick to issues related to the lead discussion topic.
By contributing any material to the Forum you agree to abide by this Policy. Any message posted on the Forum expresses only the views of the author of that message and does not necessarily reflect our views or the views of any other person on the Forum. All posted comments and user generated media content will be pre- or post- moderated, depending on the application. This means that every comment will be checked by an MCE moderator for compliance with the guidelines below either before it is published or upon being flagged-up for attention by users. We reserve the right to refuse or remove any UGC submitted.
Content Standards
When posting contributions to the Forum, you must comply with the spirit of the following standards as well as the letter. These standards apply to each part of any contribution as well as to its whole. Contributions to the Forum must:
- be accurate (where they state facts);
- be genuinely held (where they state opinions);
- comply with applicable law in the UK and in any country from which they are posted.
Contributions to the Forum must not:
- be defamatory (a defamatory comment is one that may damage the reputation of a person or organisation);
- be in contempt of Court (i.e. your contribution must not contain anything that risks prejudicing current or forthcoming Court proceedings);
- be threatening, abusive, harassing or invasive of a person's privacy;
- be sexist, racist, profane, blasphemous, homophobic or otherwise discriminatory and/or offensive;
- promote violence or advocate, condone or assist any unlawful act;
- describe violent intentions towards other people or organisations;
- be pornographic , sexually explicit, obscene or lewd;
- be used to impersonate any person or to misrepresent your identity;
- infringe any copyright, database right, trade mark or any other intellectual property, confidentiality or privacy rights of any person or organisation; or otherwise violate any law.
In addition, your contribution must not post a link to a website that contains, or directly links to, material that contravenes any of these standards. In particular, you must not post a link to:
- offensive material (pornographic, discriminatory or gratuitously violent);
- or
- unlawful material (such as material that condones or encourages unlawful acts, breaches intellectual property law or encourages others to do so, hacks or causes technical disruption to online services or describes how to conduct an unlawful act).
By submitting your contribution to the Forum you warrant that such contribution fulfils the above Content Standards. You also agree to indemnify us against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be named by us as a result of your breach of this warranty.
Participants should treat each other with respect, recognising their right to freedom of opinion and expression. Do not use multiple logins. Anyone found continuing to use multiple logins after a written warning from us will have their profiles suspended. Advertising, promotion and commerce Advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes and solicitations are unacceptable entries on our discussion forum. You may not use the discussion forums for commercial purposes or for making a profit or for a profitable venture. User generated audio-visual content All user generated audio-visual content should conform to the following standards:
- If the content is made by someone else, you must have that person/ organisation's permission for it to be used on the Forum. Submission of the content to the Forum constitutes your acknowledgement that you possess all appropriate permissions;
- Audio-visual content should comply with the Content Standards set out above;
- You should not endanger yourself or others in the making of your content;
- Audio-visual content should not breach copyright. You should not make unauthorised use of trade marks, logos or any other protected content owned by a third-party. Unofficial use will disqualify your content from being shown;
- You must get permission from the people you record. If you are recording children, get permission from their parents or guardians as well as them. Submission of content to the Forum constitutes your acknowledgement that you possess all appropriate permissions.
Contributors submitting media content to the Forum should not place themselves in danger while creating their material or expose themselves unnecessarily to unassessed and inappropriate risks. Copyright and ownership of user generated media content. By contributing to the Forum you grant us royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive permission to publish, use or edit your entry or any media in any way deemed appropriate by us. You also grant us the right to translate your material into other languages. We agree to respect contributors’ moral rights, crediting them appropriately and defending the integrity of their work against (unfair or misleading) alterations. Do not submit or include in your submission any copyright material without the express permission of the copyright holder. We do not accept liability for copyright breaches you commit, and will remove any offending entries at the request of the rights holder. If you are the owner of any content you believe has been submitted to the Forum without your authorisation, please contact us at [email protected] and we will investigate your complaint.
Our liability
We accept no liability for any material submitted by users to the Forum and we are not responsible for its content or accuracy. You, the user, agree that you are solely responsible for the content of your messages, videos, sound-bites and stills and that you will not hold us responsible for any claim based upon the appearance and/or transmission of your submission. Any message posted on the Forum expresses only the views of the author of that message and does not necessarily reflect our views or the views of any other person on the Forum. Any failure to remove particular material from the Forum does not constitute an endorsement or acceptance of it by us.
External links
We will not be held responsible for the availability or content of any external websites or material you access through our site. If you decide to visit any linked site, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to take all protective measures to guard against viruses or other destructive elements. We do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, services or information on or available from third party websites or material.
Data protection
We reserve the right to reveal any information we may know about you to comply with any legal obligations. If you are under 18 If you are under 18, then you must get a parent or guardian’s permission before taking part in the Forum. We advise parents and guardians who permit their children to use the Forum to communicate with their children about their safety online. In particular, children should never reveal any personal information about themselves or anyone else (for example, full name, telephone number, home address or email address).
Personal details/identity/privacy
Users of the Forum must create and use a secure password and must not share this password with anyone else. We ask for your email address when you post a comment. This is optional. This will not be published but may be used to contact you in relation to your comment. We will not use it for any other purposes without your permission, unless we are requested to do so by law. When using the Forum, please do not provide personal details, either your own or those of someone else. Impersonation or adopting an inappropriate or offensive user name will not be accepted on the site. Be aware at all times that this is a public site and anybody can read your entries. Assume that what you publish on the Web is permanent. Anyone on the internet can easily print out a submission or save it to a computer.
Breach of this Policy
We will determine, in our discretion, whether there has been a breach of this Policy. When a breach of this Policy has occurred we may take such action as we deem appropriate, which includes the immediate removal of any objectionable material, even in the absence of a complaint, without prior contact with you. If you have breached this Policy you will receive an email warning. If you continue to breach the Policy after a second warning we will suspend your account. If you believe that a posted message is objectionable or in breach of this Policy, then please contact us on [email protected] immediately. If a formal complaint is made against you, we reserve the right to suspend your account and only reinstate it if the complaint is resolved. The responses described in this Policy are not limited and we may take other action we reasonably deem appropriate and reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time.
Changes to this Policy
We may revise this Policy at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we make as they are legally binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in this Policy may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our website.