In just a few weeks’ time a member of our local Stanmore Jamaat, who also happens to be the father of one of our team members, will begin a journey of a lifetime to help our community.
In Tanzania, there is a serious shortage of desks and toilets in almost all village schools. This is a concern that needs to be addressed urgently for the safety and comfort of the children who attend these schools.
One such school is the Igombe Primary School in Mwanza City. The school has about 1,620 students and only six classrooms. Between 270 and 300 students occupy one classroom and the school only has 100 desks in total. Despite these challenging conditions, the school has 22 dedicated teachers who work hard to educate these children. The performance of the school on National levels is between 60 -75%.
The students attending the school come from nearby villages whose parents are small scale fisherman struggling with poverty. The students are educated at no cost.
As per requirements, the school must have about 41 classrooms so that each class may accommodate 40 students per class, and they require approximately 400 desks. In addition, at least 4 more toilet blocks are needed to meet the schools present needs.
Through their hard work and efforts, the parents have built two foundations for two classrooms.
Upon hearing about the needs of the students, The World Federation, through its ALI ASGHAR WATER APPEAL donated a block of 10 toilets and one store room to the school.
On behalf of the parents, teachers and students - the school Headmaster has conveyed his sincere thanks. He stated that having proper toilets for the children will help reduce the number of sanitation related diseases that the children contract, keeping them healthy and allowing them to attend school regularly.
The Ali Asghar Water Appeal (AAWA) is an ongoing initiative of The World Federation in partnership with The Africa Federation, CoEJ, NASIMCO and Pakistan Federation to raise funds to provide struggling families with easy access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities across developing countries. Your donation allows us to build water wells and toilets in areas of deprivation. Please support the Ali Asghar Water Appeal with a donation today.
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For more information or to sponsor a well, please email [email protected]
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