The course is aimed at providing Islamic Guidance & Support, Personal Development, Discussions on Social Topics and Sports activities throughout the 2 day and 2 night camp. The course will be managed and conducted by Ladies only.
In its series of Ahkam-e Mayyit Workshops, The World Federation India Office in partnership with KSI Jamaat Mumbai conducted the third workshop on 23 February 2014 for gents. The Workshop was well attended by 15 participants.
The workshop aims were to give practical training to the participants on:
• How to handle a Dead Body with Respect
• How to conduct Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan
• How to conduct Namaz-e Mayyit, and Burial
• The rules concerning Post-Burial
The session was conducted by Maulana Kaizer Sahab who is a teacher at Jamiat Ameerul Momineen (as) Hawza at Najafi House in Mumbai.
Like the previous 2 sessions, this session too benefited the participants in terms of gaining practical experience of performing Ghusl, Hunut, Kafan and burial. All queries of the participants were clarified by the Aalim and misconceptions were also cleared.
A selection of feedback:
• Shadab Mookhi: Alhamdoillah, very informative and insightful session. This is a great initiative and would request WF to organize many such sessions on different topics.
• Parvez Alwani: It was very good & helpful & useful in practical life. We thank you & say JazakAllah.
So far this series of Workshops have benefited 60 community members.
Asad Virani, Manager of The World Federation India Office says: “The participants were very enthusiastic to attend the workshop and have gained lots of knowledge. I can say this because I have seen some of them taking part in the Ahkam of a Mayyit that took place a few days ago”
Sayyid Aliraza Naqvi, Assistant Secretary General of Islamic Education of the World Federation commented: “This was a real practical topic that was taken up by the India Office and I’m pleased to see it delivered well by our respected Scholars I sincerely thank the Ulama who facilitated the workshops and imparted their knowledge to the participants. I would also like to appreciate the KSI Jamaat Mumbai. May Allah reward them for their efforts”
For more information email [email protected]
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Updated 6 November 2013
The World Federation India Office and Mumbai Jamaat organised a workshop for the “Parents of the Youth” in Mumbai. This workshop was a part of 3 of the 4 workshops organised to cover all age groups from teens to the elders on the Theme of Family Ethics.