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19 February 2025 / 20. Shabaan 1446

Say ‘NO’ to child hunger by joining the #Breakfast-BuddyChallenge!

“Whoever satiates a hungry believer so that he/she is satisfied fully, neither a human being among people nor a near-stationed angel nor a divine messenger knows how great his reward is in the Hereafter accept Allah (swt), the Lord of the Worlds.” (Imam as-Sadiq, as)

Did you know that a gift of 3 USD-CAD / 2 GBP will provide breakfast for one hungry child in Kenya for one WHOLE month?


If you believe that every child deserves to start their day with a healthy breakfast, why not become a ‘Breakfast-Buddy’ to one of the 957 children in Kenya who come to school each morning without having eaten breakfast simply because they are victims of poverty? Your support will ensure that these students start their school day on a full stomach.

The total cost of providing all of these children with a hot breakfast every morning for two school terms for 2015 is 11,900 GBP / 17,900 USD-CAD.

The World Federation has already raised half of this amount and we need your help to raise the other half. Are you up for the challenge?

As a Breakfast-Buddy, you can challenge:

  • Yourself - by making a donation of 3 USD-CAD / 2 GBP (or any amount) to the Fill My Cup Appeal for every breakfast you don’t miss in the month of February
  • Your family and friends (young and old) – to become a Breakfast-Buddy just like you!
  • Your community – by holding a fundraising event at your mosque, community centre, school, workplace or any other venue to raise funds for the Fill My Cup Appeal.

We encourage you to send us an email, photos or a video to [email protected] and let us know how you are doing. We would love to share your support with our readers!

Poorly nourished children suffer up to 160 days of illness each year. Poor nutrition affects at least half of the 10.9 million child deaths each year, where under-nutrition magnifies the effects of every disease including measles and malaria. Geographically, more than 26 percent of malnourished children live in Africa.


The World Federation’s ‘Fill My Cup’ Appeal is a daily in-school breakfast program that has been providing a hot cup of nutritional porridge breakfast to children across 29 schools in Kenya since 2011.

Through this program, children are motivated to attend school regularly. We have seen that consistent meals leads to regular attendance which then results in improvements in the student’s academic grades. Filling their tummies with healthy food allows the students to stay healthy and learn better. 

The cost of sponsoring a breakfast is as follows:


In Europe, click here.

Rest of the World, click here.


Donate directly to your Jamaat Treasurer

For more information, please email [email protected].

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