The World Federation is pleased to share with you the CoEJ nominations submitted to us by you! Click here to find out who our community nominated for Fatima Inspires 2019.
The situation on the ground in India is extremely desperate and accelerating uncontrollably. The new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our people and indeed the region at large is unprecedented, with global records of infections being witnessed on a daily basis. 349,691 official cases were recorded in India on Sunday 25th April alone.
“I cannot find oxygen”
“I do not want to die of hunger”
“Doctor, please look at my Mum, she is dying”
These are the cries of our fellow community members who are pleading for help.
At The World Federation, we are constantly in touch with the leadership of India Federation. Our President, Al Hajj Safder Bhai Jaffer, has personally been communicating with India Federation and the leadership teams on a regular basis.
In the first quarter of 2021, The World Federation has supported over 3,000 families suffering from the effects of the pandemic with food and necessities across all regions in India.
Now, we want to go a step further by helping to fund and facilitate medical necessities. Our community across India, especially in Gujarat as well as Maharashtra have been severely affected with several deaths occurring daily and cases are sadly on the surge. Some reports suggest that 1 in every 4 families have a member that has been infected by the virus.
Whilst the situation is really bad in the country, with healthcare workers finding it extremely difficult to meet the medical needs of its population, our communities in India have been able to mobilize resources and are Alhamdulillah working tirelessly in providing support to its members, as far as feasible, including setting up temporary clinics with makeshift beds, providing oxygen equipment and other medical necessities. In order to continue meeting the needs, they now need your help.
This is our opportunity to help and ensure that crucial medical necessities continue to reach those in need!
At this hour of tremendous trial and difficulty, let us show our utmost support to our communities in India.
Please donate to our COVID-19 Appeal now.
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