Khoja Heritage Tour daily blog - January 2020. Learn about what the participates got up to during their trip earlier this year.
The Office Bearers 2017-2020 term of the office to conclude at the end of the Triennial Conference 2020. This was scheduled to take place on 13-15 March 2020 in Mombasa, Kenya but could not be held due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, with a special dispensation from the Charity Commission, the 2017-2020 term was extended to 1 June 2021.
The Secretary General convened an Extraordinary Executive Council meeting (7th Exco of term 2017-2020) to fill the vacancies occurring on the Executive Council as a result of the resignations of the Office Bearers at the Sixth Executive Council meeting. As the charity cannot be left without charity trustees and the Executive Council had not yet agreed to convene a meeting of the Conference, the Secretary General convened a virtual Extraordinary Executive Council meeting (Seventh Exco of term 2017-2020) on Saturday 25 July 2020 to fill the vacancies by appointing people to fill those roles for the interim period from the close of the meeting until the end of the current term.
The ExCo 7 followed an agenda and a process that was shared by email from the outgoing Secretary General, Al-Haj Shan E Abbas Hassam with the members of the Executive Council prior to the meeting, along with an FAQ document. The Agenda and the Process was approved through a majority vote by the Executive Council at the start of the meeting.
A new Chair for the Electoral Commission, Al-Haj Jaffer Dharamsi, was voted in after this position was vacated at ExCo 6 (27th June 2020). He, together with the rest of the Electoral Commission conducted the election of new Office Bearers to fill the vacancies which arose following the resignation of the (outgoing) Office Bearers. The resignation was dated 28th July 2020 (a few days after this scheduled Exco).
The following new Office Bearers were elected by the Executive Council, and will hold office till the next Ordinary Conference takes place (latest by 1st June 2021 as per Charity Commission):
President: Al-Haj Safder Jaffer
Vice President: Al-Haj Dr Munir Datoo
Treasurer: Al-Haj Zaffar Khakoo
Assistant Treasurer: Al-Haj Sajjad Rajan
The President, Al-Haj Safder Jaffer in accordance with clause 19.1.2 (b) of the Constitution has appointed Al-Haj Arifali Hirji as the Secretary General.
For bios of the Office Bearers, please click here.
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