Volunteering as an approach is built around and altruistic mindset of giving without any financial gain. This mindset, whilst quite basic as an Islamic approach, is one that is not necessarily inculcated within our children’s’ upbringing. The spirit of giving is usually at best confined to within the home or at best with the family. Why did this spirit of wanting to serve to permeate in our very pores in the past and not so to that degree now? Read more here.
This week, we had a visit from Syeda Rabab Al Sadr who is the Chairperson of the Imam Sadr Foundation, based in Lebanon.
Syeda Rabab, along with her son, Brother Nijad and Sister Ghada, who also works at Imam Sadr Foundation met with the WF President and Office Bearer team. After being welcomed by Assistant Secretary General, Mahmood Dhala and Vice President, Shabbar Dhalla, Sister Ghada gave us a presentation about the Imam Sadr Foundation's history and the work they do. They have a fantastic premises in Lebanon which includes a primary school. They also do a lot of work with Syrian refugees, specifically helping with mental health conditions caused by the trauma of being forced out of their homes.
Zaynab Mirza introduced the work of The World Federation, covering all of our departments and many of our projects. This included MCE, which Syeda Rabab was very interested in, as she has been working on a similar project.
Syeda Rabab was also very interested in the Khoja Heritage Project as she is keen to know more about our community. Anwarali Dharamsi presented her with a copy of The Endangered Species and The Khojas DVD which she was very excited about!
The meeting was very enjoyable and inshAllah this will only further strengthen the relationship between the two organisations.
You can watch our interview with Syeda Rabab here: http://www.wfaid.org/rabab-as-sader-interview/
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