Al Haj Ghulam Abbas Sajan was born on September 25, 1939 in Kampala, Uganda to a pious lady by the name of Roshanbanu and to Abdulla Sajan who was a humble and generous servant and recognized by all the communities that knew him.
“The one who grants the need of his believing brother, Allah will grant him one hundred thousand of his needs on the Day of Resurrection, the first of them being Paradise.” - The Holy Prophet (s).
Since the days of Marhum Mulla Asgharali M.M. Jaffer, the Ramadhan Relief Fund (RRF) has been providing food and other support to thousands of families struggling with poverty during the month of Ramadhan. This initiative is one of The World Federation’s leading programmes in addressing hunger, deprivation and hardship and has a huge impact annually in the lives of so many Muslims in this blessed month of fasting.
The RRF is unique in that it not only seeks to address the physical needs of people, but also to supplement and aid their spiritual needs where possible by organising enlightening lectures, Qu'ran recitation programs and supplications (du’a).
Each year, in the months leading up to the Holy month of Ramadhan, The World Federation carries out a needs assessment across many different countries and regions worldwide. These assessments help to identify families who need support, where they reside, what kind of assistance they need and the cost of delivering aid to them.
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Once the needs assessments are reviewed, The World Federation begins to allocate funds to our partnering agencies so that they can begin mobilising volunteers to prepare and distribute aid in time for Ramadhan.
In the weeks leading up to Ramadhan, The World Federation then launches its Ramadhan Relief Fund (RRF) to raise both awareness and donations. This effort is done in collaboration with our regional federations including The Africa Federation, The Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ), and the North American Shia Ithna-asheri Muslim Communities Organisation (NASIMCO).
Since 1980, the RRF has successfully helped almost 1 million people by providing them with food rations, community iftaars, shelter, and other basic necessities to ease their hardships at least for the month of Ramadhan.
One of the more successful campaigns run by the RRF is the Iftaar basket that consists of rice, lentils, sugar, flour, wheat, oil, salt, tea and dates (quantity and mix varies by region). The average cost of one food basket is £35 GBP / $52 USD / $65 CAD which feeds a family of 4 for one month. Please consider making a donation to the Ramadhan Relief Funds.
However, help is not restricted to monetary donations or food baskets alone. There are many ways in which you can make a difference in the lives of others through the RRF. Your support could be something as simple as creating awareness through social media to getting creative and holding your own fundraiser!
In Europe, click here
Rest of the World, click here
Donate directly to your Jamaat Treasurer
For more information or for sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected]
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