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23 February 2025 / 24. Shabaan 1446

Madrasah Centre of Excellence - Tarbiyah Curriculum Consultation Results


Salamun Alaikum

Madrasah Centre of Excellence - Tarbiyah Curriculum Consultation Results

We are pleased to share with you results from our consultations with key stakeholders pertaining to MCE’s draft Tarbiyah curriculum framework.


MCE’s Curriculum Development (CD) team presented a draft curriculum framework to the community in January 2014. This draft framework was created following wide consultation and input from ‘ulema, madaris, students, community members and educationalists in the field of religious education.

Consultation workshops were then held in partnership with regional federations in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America, where all madaris were invited to attend and share their feedback on the draft framework. Separate formal and informal sessions were also held with key stakeholders (including parents, students, scholars, community elders and leaders) in many cities worldwide to discuss the draft framework.

Although the initial consultation period was scheduled to end by April 2014, the CD team decided to extend the deadline to December 2014 as madaris worldwide needed more time to deliberate on the draft framework and participate actively in shaping the final curriculum framework.

Thank you for your feedback!

We are grateful to all those who took the time to study the draft framework and contributed positively to perfect it. We were very fortunate to receive extensive feedback from several ulema within the community as well as a significant number of heads of madaris, whose input was especially useful due to their wide experience in the field of Islamic education as well as an intimate understanding of the needs and challenges facing our students today.

The feedback received from these consultations has been extremely valuable in shaping the draft curriculum framework further and ensure it meets the needs of our madaris worldwide, and has now been incorporated into the final curriculum framework.

We are pleased to share with you an overview of the consultation results. The final curriculum framework is now being edited and is nearing completion. We will share this with you in due course. However, the curriculum has been designed to remain dynamic as there is always room for improvement, so if you have any further input that you would like to share with us, please feel free to do so. We will incorporate all relevant input in subsequent editions.

Click here to view the consultation results


Aly Nasser

Project Coordinator

MCE Curriculum Development team


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