A few centuries ago, in a society that prevailed women from having any rights, Islam taught people that women had not only rights, but were standing as the equal of men. Islam taught society that women are gems, blessed with abilities and talent that needed to be preserved and valued for her achievements.
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (sa) was given the title of Sayyidatu Nisa al A’lameen by the Holy Prophet (saw) as she was the best of all the women of the world and she is the perfect role model for both men and women. Imam Khomeini (r.a.) declared the Wiladat of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (sa) as ‘Women’s Day’ and stated that “This day is like the day of revival of real womanhood and the day of foundation-building for the important and respectable role woman play in the society. As the Wiladat of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (s.a) approaches, The World Federation of KSIMC wants to recognise and celebrate the success and achievements of the women in our community. The World Federation of KSIMC has organised a ‘social media reform’ to showcase the women in our community, which will be presented on our social media pages.
If you know a woman who has inspired you through their community, professional or personal life, nominate them by telling us who they are and how they have inspired you. All you have to do is make a short video clip with a short message or send in a photo with a short statement telling us who they are and how they have inspire you to [email protected].
This is a great way to present the amazing achievements of the women in our community that have made positive contributions to society, so please do get involved!
For more information, please email us at socialmedia@world-federation.org.
Don’t forget to check our social media pages for all the nominations!