A 3 Day & 3 Night Youth Course for Boys was organised by The World Federation India Office. The residential course with 42 Students was held from 8th to 11th May 2014 at Panvel.
Imam Zaynul Abedin (as) says: “Of God, this is the day of Arafah a day which you have made noble, given honour and magnified within it. You have spread your mercy, showed kindness through your pardon, made plentiful your giving and by it you have been gracious towards your servants” – Sahifa as-Sajjadiyyah, Dua no.47).
The Day of Arafah is one of the most significant days in the sacred month of Dhul Hijjah. It has been narrated that the Day of Arafah carries the same sanctity and prestige as the Night of Qadr.
Many Prophets have received special blessings on this day. Hazrat Adam (as)’s - Tarke Awla (Forgoing the preferable act) was pardoned, Prophet Ibrahim (as) became Khalilullah (the close friend of Allah swt), Prophet Dawud (as) was granted mercy and Nabi Musa (as) was honoured with the call of Prophethood. Such is the greatness of the Day of Arafah.
The World Federation is pleased to provide Marhum Mulla Asgarali’s Dua of Arafah with Gujarati translation for free download in MP3. The most important and touching dua to be recited on Arafah is Imam Husain (as)'s Dua which is recited by all Hujjaj on 9th Dhul Hijjah on the plains of Arafah.
Mulla Asgharali M. M. Jaffer presents the essence of the dua with Gujarati translation for better understanding and focuses on the greatness of the Almighty and the actions of a submissive servant. It is a dua, when read, eyes will shed tears and hearts shall be purified. This is the best opportunity to get the sins forgiven, get closer to Allah (swt) and getting the freedom from the Fire of Hell.
On this blessing filled day, let us supplicate to Allah (swt) for greater Marifah and Faith by the wasilah of our Aimmah and pray that we are privileged to be amongst the soldiers of our 12 th Imam (ATFJ) when he makes his reappearance within us ( ameen).
Marhum Mulla – Arafah dua with Gujrati translation
To Save the Dua to your computer Right-click or Option-click the link then click "Save As"
Dua Cds are available on WF Shop - please click here should you wish to purchase your copy.
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