This course organised by The World Federation was truly inspiring and helpful, especially the classes we had on a daily basis in the Holy city of Qum.
The Academy for Learning Islam (A.L.I.) is pleased to announce the upcoming webinars for those proceeding to Hajj this year InshāAllāh.
ALI 272a : Hajj 1435 Preparations and Ziyārat to Madina
The webinar will discuss the spiritual, social and essential rules of pilgrimage to Madina, peforming ‘Umra Tamattu` and Hajj Tamattu`.
The presentation will be followed by Q & A session.
Date: Sunday, August 24, 2014
Timings: 11:30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. (EST- Toronto/NY time)
Instructor: Hasanayn Kassamali
Registration link:
ALI 272b : Hajj 1435 – Rules Pertaining to Ladies
A one hour Hajj webinar on important Islamic rules relating to women going for Hajj. (Please note that this webinar is for ladies only).
Date: Sunday, August 24, 2014
Time: 2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (EST Toronto/NY time)
Instructor: Tahera Kassamali
Registration link:
Donations for online courses are welcome and can be paid online at
For more information please email : [email protected]
Related News
Updated 16 October 2013 The World Federation is pleased to announce its latest publication: The Story of Nabi Yusuf, written by Shaykh Ali Azhar Arastu. The author is originally from USA, and has been studying in Qum for the past 11 years.
Every experience in life should be seen with positivity and such was the case with this course, Alhamdulillah. From the beginning few days of anxiousness, confusion, uncertainty, and solitude, we quickly became brothers.