The conference reports from the various departments on The World Federation are now available on the website:
The World Federation’s Education objective is to empower the Khoja community with the ability to improve their
quality of life and this is achieved through Higher Education. Our goal is to enable growth and progress through
education, creating a generation of skilled individuals who will work together to lift their communities out of
poverty. The Education Department of The World Federation provides loans for higher education, facilitate teacher
training and resources, strategic research for labour mart trends and supports students by providing education
related literature.
Read Education report
Since its inception in 1975 The World Federation has been working to achieve its health objective of providing health care to those who require it the most but unfortunately are not able to procure it due to poverty and lack of resources. The goal of the health department is to alleviate the sufferings of those who live in poverty and destitution by providing them with primary healthcare and specialist treatments. A goal that is synonymous with the UN’s Millennium Development goals.
Read Health report
Islamic Education
The Islamic Education Department is responsible for both educating the community and propagating the Shia Ithna-Asheri faith. This is done through Internal and External Tableegh (within and outside the Shia Communities), Publications and Madrasah.
Read Islamic Education report
Madrasah Centre of Excellence
MCE is a global structure which was formed by the World Federation of KSIM Communities to maintain and deliver the strategies for the Madrasah programme. Its focus would be to attain harmony amongst the Madaris and realise the vision by coordinating the four workstreams - Curriculum Development, Teacher Development, Learning Resources and Assessment and Evaluation. It would become a central place for Madaris to seek help and support in the running of their institutions.
Read the MCE Report
Marketing & Communications
Communications is the division of The WF of KSIMC which serves as the link for both the internal and external audience. Internally, the division serves as a means of connecting the various departments and works as a medium of assistance to each department. On the other hand, externally, we communicate with our members through the website, newswire, publications, reports and social media.
Read Marketing & Communications report
International Relief & Economic Development
International Relief and Development (IRED) is the humanitarian aid division of The World Federation of KSIMC. IRED continues to focus its efforts on providing sustainable support to the underprivileged people of the world who lack basic provisions in regions of deprivation, war and natural disasters. To achieve this goal, IRED launches appeals during occurrences of disasters, international emergencies and crises, where it works with its regional members as well as agencies on the ground, to deliver its services in the affected areas. It continues to providesupport for emergency and poverty relief, to community development schemes, and long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation projects.
For the term 2011-2014, The World Federation has received donations in excess of £3million for various IRED
Read International Relief & Economic Development report
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