An Inspiring 650 year Account of a People who nurtured and Preserved their Faith in the Crucible of Culture
For the past two months, a documentary film on the evolution of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Community produced by The Mulla Asgar Resource Centre (MARC) Media is being screened round the world. The premiere was in Dar es Salaam on 18th May 2014 after the World Federation Conference.
Subsequently it has been screened in Karachi, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Toronto, and Birmingham. This week it will be screened in London.
It is proposed to screen this documentary in Mainland Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius and Re Union.
AFED Secretariat has since written to the Regional Federations and to Dar es Salaam, Mombasa, Nairobi, Arusha and Kampala Jamaats to make necessary arrangements for the premiere of this documentary before the month of Muharram.
For an overview of this important documentary, please review following links.
Watch a clip from the Documentary by clicking here.