The time between the moment you decide to go to Hajj and the day you actually leave requires a lot of planning and preparation.
Updated 18 December 2013
The long-awaited, eagerly-anticipated second volume of the amazing commentary on Ziyarat-e Ashura by Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan, is now available to purchase from The World Federation.
• It is priced at only £5 for a limited time only, so order before Arba’een to secure your copy
• Gift this excellent book to your friends and family going for ziyarat
• Distribute copies to ziyarat groups to make their experience even more special
Demand is expected to be very high and we advise early orders to avoid disappointment.
Shaykh Khalil Jaffer writes in the Foreword:
The book before you is the much anticipated second volume of The Sacred Effusion by Shaykh Muhammad Khalfan – an exposition on the Ziyārat ‘Ashurā.
The issues surrounding the ‘cursing’ of God’s enemies does not escape any Muslim and yet it is one of the most misunderstood concepts in Islam, even by Muslims themselves. The author has boldly approached the subject head-on and expertly removed any misunderstands that often result in the mistreatment of the subject. Rather than avoiding it, Shaykh Khalfan has embraced the subject matter, much to the benefit of the reader.
For further information and to order your copy, email [email protected]