The violent conflict in the Gaza Strip that began on 8 July 2014 and lasted through to the 26 August 2014 cease-fire has caused immense human suffering and devastation.
Our achievements as a community The World Federation’s Ramadhan Relief Fund is an annual initiative that provides respite to struggling families during the holy month of Ramadhan. From donors to well-wishers to volunteers to those helping to promote the Ramadhan Relief Fund – everyone came together to partake in the powerful and unquenchable spirit of giving and sharing during this Blessed month. On behalf of all of those whose lives you touched, whose tears you helped dry and whose hearts you filled with love, thank you.
This year, your support:
• Gifted over 14,200 food baskets
• Sponsored over 2,900 iftaars
• Awarded over 7,300 cash gifts
• Supported 9 families to clear debts
• Presented over 2,000 Eid gifts to children
• Helped renovate many parts of 1 home
The World Federation is pleased to publish the Ramadhan Relief Fund Annual Report 1434-2013. This publication is a testimony of how your involvement, as a volunteer or as a donor, made a difference in the lives of more than 180,000 people across 19 countries in a period of one month.
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“Fidyah” is a compensation for a fast of Ramadan that is missed under certain legitimate circumstances. Find out more and make your payment here.