The spirit of the Holy month of Ramadhan is buzzing in London (UK) as the children and youth of SI Madrasah (Stanmore) fundraise in support of families who will benefit from The World Federation’s Ramadhan Relief Program 1435/2014 this year.
On Sunday 1st June 2014, SI Madrasah held their Second Annual Cake Sale for classes 1 to 4 where students and teachers were encouraged to bake and bring in cakes that were then sold to raise money for the Ramadhan Relief Fund. Cakes and sweets of all different flavors, shapes and themes were donated. A raffle was also organised for each class. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, the Second Annual Cake Sale raised £1,800 GBP in total. In 2013, the First Annual Cake Sale raised £1,200 GBP.
The Head of The World Federation’s International Relief and Development department, Sister Anisa Kanji, attended the event and spoke to the parents about how the proceeds from the cake sale would be spent. The Ramadhan Relief helps thousands of struggling families by providing them with food rations, iftaar, and other essentials to make the Holy month of Ramadhan a little easier. Too many people, young and old are already suffering. Donations such as this from the SI Madressa assist families who desperately need respite from the hardships of their lives.
This year, The World Federation is preparing to work in over 15 countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Europe, Haiti, India, Iraq, Kenya, Madagascar, Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
With the support of donors from around the world, we hope to provide various forms of aid such as food baskets, iftaar, sehri, debt relief, medical assistance and other essential items and services to make the month of Ramadhan a little easier for those who are counting on our help. For as little as £30 GBP / $45 USD-CAD, you can feed a family of four for one month.
The World Federation Vice President and a parent of students who attend the Madressa, Shabbar Dhalla said: “It was so motivating to see the students so involved in raising both awareness and monies for the Ramadhan Relief Fund. Being there for others is what social responsibility is all about and the Madressa is doing a wonderful job of nurturing this important quality in our children.”
Murtaza Gulamhusein, Executive Councillor for the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ) commented ‘We are glad to see that the culture of giving is being engraved at a very early age and it gives us pleasure that this message of Ahlul Bayt will continue within our future leadership. We would like to thank the teachers for having inculcated the concept of charity and motivated them towards such a noble cause’.
The Principal of SI Madressa, Sajjad Govani said: “We are proud of the extraordinary achievement of our students, staff and parents in raising a phenomenal amount for The World Federation Ramadhan Relief fund. The Madressa, through its education aims to foster a spirit of being part of a global community where the needs of our brothers and sisters around the world should be fulfilled through whatever opportunities and means, small or otherwise, are available to us here today.
I pray that the hard work of one and all are accepted and rewarded handsomely by the Almighty, in particular the efforts of the Madressa staff who selflessly and tirelessly work towards building a brighter future for our community.”
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