Many have pondered on the human spirit, its purpose in this life and this world, its origin and its ultimate destination. People across the ages have devoted their entire lives to finding answers about the purpose of life, its origin and ultimate destination.
Discovering Sacred Texts
In January 2019, Shaykh Mohammed Ali Ismail, the Deputy Head of Islamic Education, met the British Library to discuss a project called Discovering Sacred Texts, which The World Federation will be supporting. The project will launch online in September 2019 and is aimed primarily at students and teachers of GCSE and A level Religious Education, but is also intended to appeal to a general audience.
It will feature around 240 digitised sacred texts from the Library’s collections. Multiple faiths are covered, and the digitised collection items will be contextualised with articles written by curators, academics, and faith leaders, as well as with video content and teachers’ resources.
More information about the project can be found at
During the visit, Shaykh Mohammed Ali also had the opportunity to look through some of the very earliest Qur’ans in the world, including the Ma’il Qur’an pictured immediately below which dates back to the eighth century.
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The World Federation is pleased to introduce a series of videos to help us acquire closeness to Allah (swt). The first 5 videos will be an Introduction to Shahr Ramadan and for the rest of the Holy month we will focus on Akhlaq. Click here to watch Day three.