This year, The World Federation is excited to launch #MyHajj2015!
We will follow one individual’s journey as he embarks on his first Hajj.
Updated on 23/12/2013
The WF Production in partnership with Dar Es Salaam Jamaat has acquired the majalises recited in Gujarati by the renowned Sheikh Moiseraza of Paris in Dar Es Salaam at Mehfil E Abbas (a.s.) during Muharram 1434.
His lectures were largely received as inspirational and Mumineen have now an opportunity to listen to these lectures which will be screened on Hidayat TV on Sky platform channel 803 (UK) starting Thursday, 19 December 2013 at 7 pm (UK time) every evening (except Thursday at 7.30 pm after Dua Kumayl) until 30 December 2013. They will also be available on line at
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Tuesday 27th August, 2013
After visiting 2 holy shrines, we visited the shrine of Bibi Shatita. She was highly respected highly by the 7th Imam, and in fact her funeral prayers were led by him.