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19 February 2025 / 20. Shabaan 1446

Madinah and Bab Daily Updates 2019

The Madinah & Babal-Ilm Course is underway! Click on one of the options below to get daily updates. 

Visit the Mentors page here.

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If  you have been blessed with the opportunity to go to Iraq this Arba’een and are doing the walk from Najaf to  Karbala, why not help fundraise for the poor and needy at the same time?

In February 2013, Islamic Education department of The World Federation launched a competition asking for Madrasah students to suggest a name for its forthcoming book on Salah aimed at Madrasah students in their final classes. The competition was open to existing Madrasah students aged 17 and under.

Mashallah we received an overwhelming response with a total of 134 separate entries from across the world. The entries were of a very impressive level and we would like to congratulate community Madaris and students for being so creative, imaginative and impressive in their entries.

The World Federation India Office in partnership with KSI Jamaat Mumbai conducted the fourth workshop on Ahkam-e Mayyit on 26th January 2016.