The Islamic Education Department of the World Federation of KSIMC and WF India office organised a course on Hadith in the Holy month of Ramadhan at Bhavnagar.
Zulekha Hirji has been working in education for the past 16 years, and her passion lies in working with others and being a part of a movement that ensures that children around the world have the opportunity to access the highest quality Islamic education that allows them to fulfil their full potential.
Zulekha has a BA Hons in Accounting and Masters in Education from the Institute of Education, UCL. Over the course of her career, as well as with Madressa and voluntary outreach work Zulekha has worked with children of all ages in Dubai and London.
Along with the team, Zulekha intends to make MCE synonymous with Shia Islamic Education around the world so that students, teachers and their families embark on a learning journey together for the holistic development for our community as a whole.
Naushad Mehrali Al Nur Award
(Award for Length of Service to the Community or Humanity)
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