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23 February 2025 / 24. Shabaan 1446

Interfaith Iftaar in Kathmandu Nepal

Humanitarian and interfaith activities of the Islamic Centre of The World Federation in Nepal has brought peace and harmony among the different nations and religious communities.


Since the establishment of an Islamic Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal in July 2018, several successful interfaith activities have taken place with the support of our generous donors. These events have brought peace and harmony among the different nations and religious communities within Nepal.


Kathmandu is regarded as a holy place for Hindus and Buddhists alike. To many, Kathmandu is one of their top destinations for pilgrimage.


On the occasion of the death anniversary of Sayyida Khadija (sa), Hujjatul Islam Maulana Zainul Abedin, the resident Alim of our Centre organised an Iftaar distribution among all the patients at the Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu. Maulana distributed leaflets about the life of this great personality of Islam and her generosity towards everyone. 


Dr Raju Budhathoki, Director of the Teaching hospital, commented that it was the first time in Nepal that they had witnessed Muslims offering Iftaar which was distrusted to hundreds of patients from Hindu, Jainist, Buddhist and Christian communities. 


As food brought people from various backgrounds together to eat, they began to grow an appetite to understand and learn more about the meaning of Iftaar and the philosophy of sharing food during the holy month of Ramadan.


Many questions arose from them such as, why do Muslims fast? What are you actually fasting from? What is the significance behind abstaining from food and other acts for the sole purpose of worship? What happens during Eid, why is it considered such a big celebration in the Muslim community? Maulana answered all these questions plus more by using great examples given to us by the beautiful traditions of the Ahlul Bayt (as) They enjoyed hearing the answers and had an on-going open dialogue with Maulana. The response received was they were extremely happy for being exposed to what and why the Muslims believe in Fasting and the merits achieved by fasting at the end of the month. Many were grateful to Maulana for the food and spending his time explaining the principles of Islam.


The World Federation in partnership with Orison Charitable Trust is supporting External Tableegh and humanitarian projects in the country.


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