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19 February 2025 / 20. Shabaan 1446

External Tableegh in Nepal Summer 2019

Details of various programs and events organised in Kathmandu, Nepal:

The World Federation carried out various programs and organised various events in Nepal during July, August and September 2019. Religious programs and activities to spread the message of the holy household of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h).

The religious practices are as follows:

Muharram Special Programs from Islamic Centre Kathmandu, Nepal 2019 


Various interfaith activities


Nurturing and Raising Children – in the eyes of Islam, a program with Nepali Hindu & Buddhist mothers on 4th Aug 2019.


Publishing the first Nepali book on Imam Husayn's biography from Islamic Centre for distributing in the seminar of Imam Husayn (as) recognition (after Arba'een).


Book release: Imam Husayn's Biography of Nepalese Elite by the daughter of the Resident Alim of our Islamic Center in Kathmandu.


Meeting with the editor of Artha Ra Rojgar Magazine Mr. Pharindra Dahal for Islam and Imam Husayn (as).


Meeting with Sunni Muslim professor Mr. Rahmatullah for seminar of Imam Husayn (as) recognition.


Eid ul Adha celebration with Hindu & Buddhist student’s in Islamic centre.



Meat Distribution on Eid ul Azha to Rohingya refugees in Kathmandu, Nepal from Islamic centre.


Shia Religious Programs

Jumah prayer (namaz-e-Jumah). Every Friday in Kathmandu City.

Picture of Jumah prayer in Kathmandu


Dua-e-Komail Thursday



Imam Reza birthday celebration on 13th July 2019/ 10th Zilqadah 1440


Testimony of Imam Mohammed Taqi (as) on 2nd Aug 2019



Hazrat Zahra and Imam Ali (as) marriage anniversary ceremony 3rd Aug 2019


Dua e Arafa on 12th Aug. 2019



Eid ul Adha


Eid e Ghadeer

Activity on Social Media 

Activity in the first Nepali Shia site

Activity in the first Nepali Shia Account on Facebook (

Pic of Facebook covers

Tableegh by Social Media – The resident alim presented lectures and addressed gatherings in different kind of occasions. In those events, he tried to focus his lectures mainly on the message of Ahlul-bait (as). Through social media example YouTube, WhatsApp and Twitter, he tried to spread the message to the world. They are active in the WhatsApp group in Nepal and youngsters ask questions on Islamic topics (real life problems, Ayat from the Holy Qur’an, Hadith and other topics). They also announce all program details via the Group.


Related News

By the grace of Allah (SWT), The World Federation is pleased to present the first volume of a new translation of the Tawdih al Masa'il of His Eminence al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani (may Allah (SWT) protect him).

The Islamic Education Department of the World Federation of KSIMC and WF India office organised a course on Hadith in the Holy month of Ramadhan at Bhavnagar.

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