Bilal Muslim Mission - Tanga Branch opened a new mosque in Mwembeni district – Pangani on 26th of June 2014. As per this year’s internal census carried out by Bilal Tanga, Mwembeni have 96 Shia families with a total of 226 dependants. Presently there are 71 students.
The total cost of this new mosque stands at Tshs 65 million. The funds came from various donors who wish to remain anonymous. The Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanga wholeheartedly wishes to thank them all and pray to Allah (SWT) to reward them amply for their generosity in this world and the hereafter.
The opening ceremony of the new Mosque was well attended by local Government officials and leaders from the Sunni Mosques. Also, present were teachers of Bilal Muslim Mission Tanga, headed by the Mudir Sheikh Amiri Rajabu Kipingu, accompanied by Shk. Musavi, Shk. Abdul Ameer all from Hawzatul Qaim in Tanga and other invitees.
The Chairman and Management Committee of Bilal Muslim Mission Tanga Branch wish to express their gratitude and thank Br. Fundi Ally of Tanga who worked tirelessly to make this project a reality.
Bilal Muslim Mission – Tanga Branch