The World Federation and India Federation are holding two residential camps in India this April.
The World Federation is pleased to announce the new edition of a very important book: ‘Al-Amaali: The Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid’ translated by Mulla Asgharali M. M. Jaffer.
This book reflects sessions of learning held in the month of Ramadhan where Shaykh al-Mufid, one of the most important Shi’a scholars in history, narrated traditions with their chains of narration while his students wrote them down. The traditions cover a variety of topics.
The 42 sessions of varying durations began in the month of Ramadhan, 404 Hijra at the residence of one of his students who lived in Baghdad. It ended in the month of Ramadhan 411 Hijra, just two years before his death.
To order a copy please visit the WF online bookshop , email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 208 954 9881
This title is available for only £6 plus P & P.
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